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The Neurotenic Giganotosaurus is a Giganotosaurus affected by the Neurotenic strain.
Similar to the Neurotenic Spinosaurus and Neurotenic Tyrannosaurus, it has a much more lean and alien appearance than its counterpart and lacking eyes, and has coloration similar to the Neurotenic Tyrannosaurus with the same gray-white skin and black vein along its sides, however shows dark colored "stripes" along the tail. A feature unique to the Neurotenic Giganotosaurus is a number of long "growths" of skin hanging from its skull and tail, which are most likely deformities and likely don't give any advantage in combat or abilities (however this is not confirmed).
Strangely, the Neurotenic Giganotosaurus possesses a large "ridge" or "hump" on its back, similar to the elevated back plates of the Hyperendocrin Giganotosaurus, as it is shown on the same area of its back. Another strange feature is a row of "vents" seen on its neck/throat upon closer inspection, which could possibly be used for respiration or possibly to help it mimic the sounds of other dinosaurs (NOT CONFIRMED), or possibly used for other abilities.
No other information is known about this Strain.
Likely similar prey to its original counterpart, though possibly able to go after larger creatures.
Likely similar to its original counterpart, though it probably uses lures alongside its bleeding.